Decorate a bedroom with pink and orange

This new picture frame came into Cici Crib this week. I love the delicate pink and orange.

I really don't like creaming a room with "fun" colors just because you are decorating a kid's room. It can still have the same bad effect. Just too much of everything. This is an inspiring pink and orange room.

So I am doing some girls bedrooms with pink and orange. Gathering ideas is so much fun.  We will not use all these items, but they are ideas to throw around.


A clock...

Some pillows...

An original piece of artwork from Jeff Canham...

The bedding and furniture will be  quiet for the most part. Although, I have these vintage bedside tables that I want to paint in a hot pink or orange.

We already chose this light fixture..

We love these boy and girl lamps I found in Atlanta for the bedside.

It will be a delicate pink and orange room.

See you...
